Yael S. Hacohen

For those who are looking for some indispensable and resonating narrative then they must go for the Yael S. Hacohen poetic compilation called, The Dove That Didn’t Return: Poems. The grounding facts of war and the world’s politics have been described in the most profound way possible. In this book, she offers over 40 poems based on war and not just that, in this book you find poems based on biblical stories and verses and poetic fragments that will enlighten you in the most profoundly male-penned series of poetries.

This is a complication of contemporary poetries which will allow you to witness an original perspective on the war-torn Middle East conflict, from the eyes that have witnessed the front line. Hacohen has been a part of the Israeli Defense Forces; she served in the 162nd Armored Division. This body of poetry is rewritten from a female perspective of war, as he witnesses the gruesome nature of war and her unbiased mind allows her to understand and assimilate a reflective point of view on war and Middle Eastern conflicts.

‘The Dove That Didn’t Return: Poems’ has impressive pieces of poetry like ‘Between Sanctity and Sand’, ‘And Yet the Sea Isn’t Full’, and ‘Find Her by the Fountain’. The narratives of these poetries are extremely resonating and will allow you to gain a better visibility in life and nature. Her forthcoming works are going to be featured in Ploughshares, Bellevue Literary Review, New York Quarterly Magazine, The Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, The Missouri Review, LIT, Colorado Review, and many more.

Being a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley for a long time and now Yael S. Hacohen has recently got her Ph.D. and also has always had a keen passion for writing. She is a MFA in Poetry from New York University and her poetry has been published in various media outlets. You can find this book exclusively on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. To know more about her you can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

The is available here:


Jacklyn Ryan

Jacklyn Ryan:  Technology Reporter I am Jacklyn Ryan and i am passionate about business and finance news with over 5 years in the industry starting as a writer working my way up into senior positions. I am the driving force behind www.worldfrontnews.com with a vision to broaden the company’s readership throughout 2014. I am an editor and reporter of “Technology” Category. Address:  1204 Shingleton Road Centreville, MI 49032 Phone:  (+1)- 269-468-7065 Email:  [email protected]