Iris Stryx

Iris Stryx has been composing impressive mixes from the worlds of hip-hop and rap to create a sound that is leaned towards crowd-pleasing. The island-inspired grooves of her music are intricately designed for the dance floor. The Bahamas Female Hip-hop artist has an eclectic approach to her music which instantly appeals to the listener for its pop energy, creating an atmosphere of an uplifting mood. The dance floor flavors of her tracks hit the earlobes in a way that makes the sound worth remembering. Her captivating voice easily hooks the listener to its undeniable aura of nerdiness. The artist aims to spread happiness with her squelchy dance beat music and replicates the magic in all her tracks.

Hailing from the Bahamas, Iris Stryx is a pop artist and a songwriter who displays creativity through her work which urges the audience to clap hands and chant the lyrics. The artist loves infusing different styles of beats with island instrumentals which soon overtakes the attention of all. The Bahamas Female hip-hop artist is a powerhouse of musicality who sets the mood with her step-up soundscapes and delightful vocals.

He tracks ‘Get Like Me’ and ‘Island Girl’ has intriguing music that offers a beautiful melody infused with the artist’s vocal harmonies. Her voice shines brightly through her tracks and also includes the introduction of a male vocal which perfectly complements the tuning. Contrast is essential and the continuous change in the bass line adds a certain dynamic to the tracks. The tracks also have chorus pouring in which adds a whole new dimension to the song flow. Iris Stryx is ready to take over the world of music with her happy sound and passionate lyrics that aim to be positive and fun. Listen to this enchanting voice on Soundcloud and follow the artist on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for checking out her future compositions.


To check out the songs of Iris Stryx, visit the given link :


Anindita Banerjee

I’m a music lover, I love writing on various current affairs that covers technology, entertainment, and business. I aim to make an impact through my writing.