Qvesty’s pioneering 100% commission-free approach redefines industry norms, ensuring financial independence and success for service providers in San Francisco Bay.
(WorldFrontNews Editorial):- Sunnyvale, California Sep 20, 2023 (Issuewire.com) – Qvesty, the innovative marketplace platform app connecting users with a wide range of service providers, is making a groundbreaking stride in the industry. Th platform, known for its commitmnt to mpowring srvic providrs, has dclard its app to b 100% commission-fr, liminating bidding processes ntirly. This rmarkabl chang puts th powr back into th hands of th srvic providrs, rfrrd to as “Dors” on th Qvsty platform.
In a bold statement, Qvesty has made it unequivocal. This transformativ shift nsurs that Dors rtain 100% of thir arnings, providing thm with unprcdntd financial stability and control ovr thir businsss.
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“We are thrilled to announce that Qvesty is now entirely commission-free for our valued service providers,” said the spokesperson of Qvesty. “By liminating commissions and bidding, w ar lvling th playing fild, allowing srvic providrs to focus on dlivring xcptional srvic without th constraints of pricing battls.”
This stratgic dcision coms as part of Qvsty’s ongoing mission to foster a fair and quitabl platform that bnfits both usrs and srvic providrs. With th limination of bidding wars, srvic providrs no longer nd to compt on pric alon, nabling thm to showcas thir xprtis and quality of srvic. This fostrs a halthir and mor sustainabl nvironmnt for both Dors and usrs.
Service providers across various categories, such as home network setup, general cleaning, window cleaning, pool cleaning, patio cleaning, local cleaning, laundry, ironing, handyman services, and yard work, can now enjoy the full benefits of the Qvesty platform without worrying about commission deductions.
Th spoksprson of Qvsty said, “Our mission is to mpowr the Dors, and this commission-fr approach is a major step towards nsuring their success.”
Th Qvsty app, availabl on Googl Play Store and th App Stor, offrs a usr-frindly intrfac that conncts usrs with srvic providrs in th San Francisco Bay Ara samlssly.
About Qvsty:
Qvsty is a groundbraking marktplac platform app ddicatd to rshaping th landscap of srvic procurmnt in th San Francisco Bay Ara. Through its commitmnt to quality, transparncy, and community, Qvsty aims to simplify th livs of rsidnts by conncting thm with competent professionals for a wid array of srvics.
Contact Us:
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.qvesty.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Qvesty/100094674199614/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisqvesty/
Media Contact
440 N. Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale,CA
This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.