California Pop Singer leaves the audience across the world impressed and creates a sensation overall. Natasha Jane Julian drops her latest ‘Devil Eyes’.
The quickly likable songwriter who brought us the pop gem ‘Devil Eyes‘ delves into the true variety and presence of her sound, with the eclectic and anthem-loaded soundtrack. Despite the changing energy and tone of the track, the main appeal remains. The melodies, the scenes, and the engaging vibe along with the raspy vocal personalities leave the listeners impressed. The soundtrack builds up gorgeously, certain riffs hypnotically maintaining the roots of the loop, whilst the instrumental set-up later garners momentum and passion, even surprised twists of intensity, throughout the nearly four-minute track.
The fascinating style, melodic for its extended mix the artistry and arrangement breathing new life into the current indie scene, featuring vocals Natasha Jane Julian and charming bass of the track follows suit in its creative freedom and unpredictability. The gigantic artist weaves a sensual, passionate, and romantic narrative. The lyrics, akin to silk, intertwine with melodies that playfully tease the senses. Penned during her time in France, it serves as a reflection on navigating the delicate balance during darker phases in a relationship. California Pop Singer offers humble yet exhilarating when streamed at volume, a beautiful single from a gorgeous artist who will most probably be gracing some remarkable stages in the coming days.
Briefly, Natasha Jane Julian is an emotionally driven artist who thrives on self-reflection, soul-searching, and exposing the holes in humanity. Gaining a voice and rebuilding my independence has been my steering point after overcoming some scarring struggles, and it’s created a deeper wider understanding of herself and how to deal with the world. It’s atmospheric, moody, and melodic. It’s the kind of pop you hear in the cinemas. Several other stunning tracks like ‘Devil Eyes’, ‘Singing In The Rain’, ‘Pink Roses’, ‘I’ll Be You Goddess’, and ‘I Love U Paris’, are available on SoundCloud, Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and her website.
Just go for this track, ‘Devil Eyes’ by Natasha Jane Julian: