Priyanka Chopra, 35, with her boyfriend Nick Jonas, 25, went on a double date with Nick’s brother Joe Jonas and his would be sister-in-law, Sophie Turner, on a summer night in London. This was the early celebration of Priyanka Chopra’s birthday at 34 Restaurant in Mayfair.

Priyanka Chopra looked stunning in her navy and white striped summer dress highlighted with a tiny belted waist and buttoned up the middle, on the other hand, Nick was also looking extremely handsome in his shiny burgundy shirt with a white plaid pattern with a wine coloured pant.

Priyanka with Nick Jonas. Courtesy: Wikifeed

Priyanka met Nick while on a family trip to India where their relationship started to take shape. Within a short period of time, they started dating each other.  There was a rumour that former Disney stars Nick is sharing home with Priyanka in her New York City apartment.

Nick visited Priyanka’s native land, India to meet her mother Madhu Chopra and was overwhelmed to meet her family. It was known that Priyanka’s mother liked Nick.

There is no news about their wedding so far. The couple seems to enjoy each other’s company and spending time together; it is heard that they might get engaged on her birthday.

Jacklyn Ryan

Jacklyn Ryan:  Technology Reporter I am Jacklyn Ryan and i am passionate about business and finance news with over 5 years in the industry starting as a writer working my way up into senior positions. I am the driving force behind with a vision to broaden the company’s readership throughout 2014. I am an editor and reporter of “Technology” Category. Address:  1204 Shingleton Road Centreville, MI 49032 Phone:  (+1)- 269-468-7065 Email:  [email protected]