Among all other actors Ranveer Singh is unquestionably the powerhouse of Bollywood. The actor is always seen spreading his positive vibes around the fan followers. He found himself in difficulty after he left a few fans hurt in order to do something cool for them.
According to the report, Ranveer Singh was performing and entertaining his fans by singing songs from his upcoming movie ‘Gully Boy’. The scene suddenly changed when Ranveer Singh dived into a pool of fans without announcement. The report even stated that few women were seen lying on the floor tending to their hurt head after this incident. As soon as the pictures of the incident and the report reached the social media, gossip started.
One of the Twitter users commented that the public makes actors, not actors make public. Also, mentioned that treat an actor as normal public why to treat them as different species. He should apologize for the mistake that he committed with all the women and men injured.
In the meantime, Ranveer’s fan came to save. They clarified that his intention was not to hurt anyone. However, his fans sent him a message regarding the same. Ranveer replied to his fans that he will be careful from the next time. He even greeted his fan followers.