Now another exciting news for those who have been eagerly waiting to hear some news from Voltage Inc. Voltage Announces Our Two Bedroom Story Coming To Nintendo Switch.
The title is supposed to be the fourth visual novel the developer has ported. And, along with the announcement, there was a trailer for the Nintendo Switch port. The trailer showed some romanceable bachelors in the game which came along with the sample of the plot.
The game’s official summary states that the game involves a story where a person who is supposedly working for a publishing house decides to live on his own. However, everything goes fine until a coworker decides to join in. It is when the new roommate hands the other person the key, that their secret life together kicks off.
The main story involves nine romanceable characters, but the developer has only announced five characters at the launch, which are, Minato Okouchi, Kaoru Kirishima, Shusei Hayakawa, Chiaki Yuasa, and Akiyoshi Zaizen.
It is expected that the developers might add or reveal the other four characters during the launch or maybe after that.
It is said that the Nintendo Switch release will accompany a new opening video, updated UI for the console, and some new functions such as rewind plus Quick Save and Load.
The other previous releases by the developer have been released in different parts. And, the games come up with the full routes of characters, and sometimes their stories have multiple seasons, epilogues, and also some side stories.
The Japanese developer, Voltage Inc is most famous for its visual romance novel releases which are targeted towards the women. Our Two Bedroom Story had initially been released in Japan in 20134, while the English version got released one year later.
The game was released on both iOS and Android and became popular worldwide. This is the reason why Voltage decided to bring it over to the Nintendo Switch players.
In today’s time, all of Voltage’s Inc’s visual novels are available in a single app called the Love 365: Find Your Story. However, they cannot be downloaded individually anymore.
Good news for the players who enjoy Voltage Inc’s series of visual novels as they can now purchase them on the Nintendo Switch at a much lower price range. The estimated price of the game will be something under $30 in North America.
The game will. Get a release in both Japanese and English, which is quite similar to the mobile release.
The Our Two Bedroom Story which is scheduled to be launched on May 7, 2020, will be released on the Nintendo Switch as a digital download only. Added to which the mobile version of the game is now available on iOS and Android on the Love 265: Find Your Story app.