A virtual meeting was attended by the Chief Minister of Bengal with its group of ministers through a video conference in Nizam Palace that has been held at Nabanna where the decision to form the Vidhan Parishad has been finalized. Alapan Bandhopadhaya, the Chief Secretary of West Bengal, along with various other departmental secretaries was present at the meeting.
Earlier, the CM had iterated about forming the Vidhan Parishad which is the Upper House of the Legislative Council, and bring back the bicameral legislature system that was in vogue in Bengal from 1952 but in 1969 it was abolished by the United Front Government.
After the CM assumed office in 2011she has planned for the bicameral legislature and efforts were made to accommodate the civil society members and several celebrities who have participated in the Nandigram and Singur movements but it got shelved at that time.
A list of candidates has been released by the Chief Minister in March for the assembly polls as talks were held about farming the Vidhan Parishad as some of her colleagues like Purnendu Bose and Amit Mitra were not contesting the elections.